Preliminary Task and evaluation
This is my Haydon school front cover, I decided to keep the colour scheme very simple and plain as the magazine is aimed at a wide audience varying between 12-18. I Incorporated the school logo into the magazine to display that the magazine is all about Haydon and allows the readers to feel apart of the magazine and the school. I took all of the photos myself either in the canteen or the common room, the layout of my front cover is very modern and welcoming looking. With the neat framing around all images it makes them all stand out, I created this on Indesign this was the first time i used it as previously we used photo shop. I found it difficult at the start but after awhile you gradually get the hang of it. I included the schools website and twitter name in my magazine to advertise the school and allow my readers to keep updated with important information. The price of my magazine is only £1.50. The reason why it's so cheep is because it being sold to student who are at a young age; will not have money of their own.

My contents page is very classy and plain with the constant theme of black white and the school colours, this was also created on Indesign. You can tell i created the contents page first because its standers aren't as good as my front cover page. At the start i found using Indesign rather tricky as i had never used it before, however my work progressed and i found out how to used all of the tools.
To improve my magazine: I would take stronger images that portray the canteen and school better to my audience, because i didn't have enough time to plan my preliminary task I decided to just get on with it and take the photographs on my Iphone instead of a professional camera. I would also download different styles of font of 'dafont' to make my magazine look more professional and appealing to my targer audience. I would also incorperate more yellow and navy throughout my magazine as it fits in with the schools colours.
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