Monday, 30 September 2013
Production Diary 3
Throughout the weekend I was a extra on 'My mad fat diary'
It was a fantastic experience because i was behind all of the scenes and saw
what it was like to film a TV show and how much work went into it, for example
all the make-up,costumes and props all the time put in to the surroundings to
make everything perfect. The make-up artists and hair dressers were constantly
going around and making sure every ones make-up and hair was all correct for
the show. This made me think about my photo shoot and how much time and effort
it takes for a successful shoot. I have planed where i want my photo shoot to
take place either Camden or Shoreditch. I decided on these locations because
the genre of music i am looking at is indie and these to areas are extremely
funky and individual. I am going to have to model one boy and one girl, they
will be dressed very fashionably but also different and bold. The female models
make-up will be very bold and eyecatching, with either dark plum or red lips
and dark eye make-up. This is to go in with the theme of my music magazine
because it will be black,white and red.
Preliminary Task and evaluation

To improve my magazine: I would take stronger images that portray the canteen and school better to my audience, because i didn't have enough time to plan my preliminary task I decided to just get on with it and take the photographs on my Iphone instead of a professional camera. I would also download different styles of font of 'dafont' to make my magazine look more professional and appealing to my targer audience. I would also incorperate more yellow and navy throughout my magazine as it fits in with the schools colours.
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Audience Profile
Charlotte is a 16 year old student, who is currently studying music for a levels and is very interested in being in a band. She’s very into fashion and music concerts are what she lives for, She also adores partying and having a good night out. Charlotte has a wide music taste that varies between Indie rock to calm house music. Charlotte has a part time job in London at a old record market shop, she loves everything to do with music and saves up her money to have a monthly subscription of our magazine. Being a heavy consumer of music, spending up to £20 on ITunes a month, she loves reading our magazine to feel a part of music and hear about all the latest realising music and up and coming artists and bands. Charlotte enjoys reading and hearing artist’s music before they go mainstream and uses this knowledge as influence within her friendship circle. Charlotte is a keen social network lover and enjoys using Youtube and Grooveshark to watch interviews from bands to see their music videos. As Charlotte attended Reading and Glastonbury this year we can tell she is a very passionate music fan and that it’s a big part of her life.
Billy is a 21 he lives in Brighton and enjoys attending gigs and watching live bands in his local pub. He is a passionate music lover and enjoys listening to old fashioned records as he has his parent’s vinyl player. Billy is constantly listening to music as he owns an IPod that he updates regularly. He is very talented himself as he plays the drums, guitar and also sings in a band. Billy loves his fashion and your always catch him in a pair of skinny jeans, band t-shirts and converse. In his spare time he enjoys playing computer games and sitting down with a nice chilled beer and his mates playing Xbox. He's in full-time employment, with a high income to on himself alone, being a heavy consumer of music he can buy himself all of the latest gadgets. Billy is keen to hear about new music artist of the indie rock genre before they go mainstream and enjoys feeling educated within the music industry.
Monday, 23 September 2013
am going to create a half indie and half rock magazine; I decided to do this
because I will then make more money as my magazine is open to a bigger
audience. My target audience is male/females that are teenagers or young adults
that enjoy going to festivals and reading news and articles about their favourite
bands. My magazine will have a colour scheme or black, white and green. I decided
to go for these colours because it reflects on the genre of the music; the
colour black represents the darkness and heaviness in the rock music. By having
the colour green being used it makes the magazine jump out from the shelf and
catch the reader’s eyes, it’s also unisex.
My magazine deserves a place in the shops today because it’s something unique and different what will have something inside for nearly everyone. Its unique selling point is having a QR code and having my pages coloured at the top corner either with a red dot a blue dot, or a green dot. This is to represent how heavy the music it is so the audience can read articles on the genre of music there interested in and become aware of the new up and coming bands. My magazine will be very stylish however it will also have a rocky, messy edgy vibe within it. I will display this with my photographs by dressing my model in a unique way, with strange patterned clothing with big bold hair and make-up. The location of my photo shoot will probably either be in Camden or Shoreditch; these are full of the target audience for my magazine and they will be more attracted to my magazine with Camden and there favourite shopping places in the background. It will make them feel a part of my magazine because they would have been in the same location. My magazine will be sold monthly, each month it will include photography pages of concerts that have gone on in that month, articles from festivals and gigs, and how to get the look page.
I will also have monthly a competition to enter to win a ticket to an up and coming concert or festival. This will make my audience want to by my magazine because concert tickets are very expensive; by my magazine giving out one for free many people will just by my magazine to enter the competition. The price of my magazine will be £4.00 the reason it is so expensive is because my magazine is aimed at teenagers and young adults, most of my audience will be working and from a middle class. My magazine is only produced monthly and has many pages inside so it’s really worth its money, especially if you win the competition. Each month my colour scheme will slightly change, it will always be black and white however the bright colour will change each month. I’ve decided to do this because It’s something unique, it will make my magazine stand out from the rest and look funky and bright.
I think what I’m about to develop will be highly successful because it’s something unique and exciting.
The purpose of writing a proposal is so that I can put down all my ideas of what I would like my magazine to be like. This is very beneficial for me when it comes to making my final product, as I can use the proposal as a reference to what I have decided to include in my final product and whether or not i've been following them.
My magazine deserves a place in the shops today because it’s something unique and different what will have something inside for nearly everyone. Its unique selling point is having a QR code and having my pages coloured at the top corner either with a red dot a blue dot, or a green dot. This is to represent how heavy the music it is so the audience can read articles on the genre of music there interested in and become aware of the new up and coming bands. My magazine will be very stylish however it will also have a rocky, messy edgy vibe within it. I will display this with my photographs by dressing my model in a unique way, with strange patterned clothing with big bold hair and make-up. The location of my photo shoot will probably either be in Camden or Shoreditch; these are full of the target audience for my magazine and they will be more attracted to my magazine with Camden and there favourite shopping places in the background. It will make them feel a part of my magazine because they would have been in the same location. My magazine will be sold monthly, each month it will include photography pages of concerts that have gone on in that month, articles from festivals and gigs, and how to get the look page.
I will also have monthly a competition to enter to win a ticket to an up and coming concert or festival. This will make my audience want to by my magazine because concert tickets are very expensive; by my magazine giving out one for free many people will just by my magazine to enter the competition. The price of my magazine will be £4.00 the reason it is so expensive is because my magazine is aimed at teenagers and young adults, most of my audience will be working and from a middle class. My magazine is only produced monthly and has many pages inside so it’s really worth its money, especially if you win the competition. Each month my colour scheme will slightly change, it will always be black and white however the bright colour will change each month. I’ve decided to do this because It’s something unique, it will make my magazine stand out from the rest and look funky and bright.
I think what I’m about to develop will be highly successful because it’s something unique and exciting.
The purpose of writing a proposal is so that I can put down all my ideas of what I would like my magazine to be like. This is very beneficial for me when it comes to making my final product, as I can use the proposal as a reference to what I have decided to include in my final product and whether or not i've been following them.
Friday, 20 September 2013
Production Diary 2
For our preliminary task, we were required to create a rough magazine for our school. It was to help us gain knowledge in the Indesign and basics and allowed us to learn new skills; understand the basic tools needed. I decided to keep my magazine quite simple and not too busy. I included all the necessary information such as plugs, headline, main image and cover lines.
The contents page contains all the main stories included in the magazine so that the reader can go straight to them if they wanted to.
If I were to pick something to improve I would definitely add more onto the front cover on the left-hand side. I have noticed there is no bar code so that would fill in the gap that is there.
This was a good starter topic for us to begin with as it wasn't stressful at all and refreshed our memory on how to create simple things using Photoshop. Starting our Music magazine should be much less stressful now and will therefore let us be more imaginative, creative and adventurous with our ideas
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Preliminary task video
At the start of the course we were asked to do a preliminary task of creating a front cover and a contents page for a school magazine. I quickly sketched some ideas for my layout. I then used a DSLR Cannon camera to take photos of my chosen models, locations and food which included a range of long shots, mid shots and close up shots, I have used on my front cover and contents page.
I wanted a name for my magazine that denoted its purpose of being a place for the students of Haydon to voice their thoughts and opinions, and therefore decided on the name 'Haydon School'.
In the next lesson I began constructing my pages. I have used a simple house style of navy blue, yellow and black as these are the school’s colours, and therefore link the magazine to Haydon.
Monday, 16 September 2013
Production Diary 1
Today I set up my blog, and started working on my magazine front cover,
with the photos we took in lesson. I
also made sure my blog settings were correct and edited all of blog to make it
look colourful and welcoming. I looked online for inspiration for my magazine.
So now I have a rough idea of what I want my magazine to look at. I have been
focusing on the new school canteen for the preliminary task, in groups we went
out with a camera and took many different shots of the canteen and the food.
For my front cover page I have a photo of me and Rachel with the chef in the
canteen smiling. This displays Haydon School is a friendly place and also
welcoming it connotes happiness. I have decided to keep a house theme of the
colours white, black and navy; these are the colours of the school. I have
decided to incorporate the Haydon stag into my magazine as it’s what we
associate with the school. My masthead is in a large, bold and bubbly font.
What looks happy and child friendly. I’m also starting to analyse magazine front covers. I’m going to pick
indie/rock magazines because this is the type of magazine I eventually want to
create. I have been thinking about my photo-shoot and where it’s going to be
located and what models I am going to use. I reckon I will shoot it in Camden
or somewhere very artist and unusual in London because I want my magazine to
stand out and be different. I’m still uncertain with what models I am going to
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Haydon school magazine
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This is a sketch of the front cover of my preliminary task magazine. I decided to focus of the topic of the schools canteen and things that the pupils would enjoying hearing about. I thought it was important to included the schools stag to reninforce that this is a 'school' magazine; highlight to the readers that they should feel a part of the magazines readership. I had photographs of the schools food and a few memebers of staff who worked in the canteen. This was to show childrens parents or people viewing the magazine who haven't seen the new canteen and common room a rough idea of the big changes that have taken place. It was important for me to advertise the schools website and Twitter; it will help the school have more follwers and people looking into what our school is about. It gives the readers a choice to find out more.
I also wrote down notes below to discuss why I will include certain aspects. I thought it was important to explain why I chose this design to discuss why I thought my design will be effective and successful. I made sure I included the school's logo to make it clear about what my specific magazine will be about. I also thought it was vital to include what sell lines I would have on my cover page and what what headings I would use for the contents page so it would be easy to create it later on.
My target audience would find my magazine very helpful as it includes all vital information they would need to find out about the school and they be able to keep updated through my magazine release.
I also wrote down notes below to discuss why I will include certain aspects. I thought it was important to explain why I chose this design to discuss why I thought my design will be effective and successful. I made sure I included the school's logo to make it clear about what my specific magazine will be about. I also thought it was vital to include what sell lines I would have on my cover page and what what headings I would use for the contents page so it would be easy to create it later on.
My target audience would find my magazine very helpful as it includes all vital information they would need to find out about the school and they be able to keep updated through my magazine release.
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